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9AM to 5PM - Monday to Friday
(Montreal Area : 514-670-5480)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I order online?

Simply click the 'Add to my Shopping Cart' button found on every product page. You may continue to add items to your basket until your order is complete. Click on the "See My Purchase" link or the shopping bag icon at the top of the page to return to your shopping cart from any page on the site. Click the 'Place My Order' button and enter your billing and shipping address. (Please note, the billing address must match the address where your credit card statement is sent.). Review your order, then click the 'Confirm My Order' button to complete the order.

What methods of payment do you accept?

We accept Visa and MasterCard credit cards for payment. We're really sorry, but we do not accept cheques or money orders.

How do I order by phone?

Call us at 1-888-527-7553. Our friendly, dedicated team is standing by to offer you fast, personal service.